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Boat Shipping on Flat Rack

Flat Rack is a regular ocean container without a top and sides and gives more flexibility for higher and wider boats with dimensions up to 38ft (11.58m) long. Using a Flat Rack is a great alternative to transport oversized boats to most destinations around the World.

This is a good alternative to RORO shipping because it is available to more destination ports and the ships have frequent sailing schedules. We can handle most Flat Rack loads at our export packing facilities with a large lifting capacity. Our specialists can also build custom pallets and crates when it's required.


(Roll-on Roll-off) is a safe and convenient shipping method.

Shipping rates are based on total volume of the cargo, measured in cubic meters (m³).

Our service contracts with ocean carriers will have a positive effect on your shipping costs.






Lift-on/Lift-off vessels are loaded and unloaded by a crane.

It can be used for commodities that are too large for container or RO-RO shipping.

The item will be lifted and placed on the deck of the cargo ship.

This method is usually mostly efficient for oversized cargo.





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